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NCERT MP BOARD Class 12th Biology Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms Book and PDF Solution

Class 12th Biology 
Chapter 1 
Reproduction in Organisms 

Topics in this Chapter
Reproduction, a characteristic feature of all organisms for continuation of species; Modes of reproduction: Asexual and Sexual reproduction; Asexual reproduction : Binary fission, Sporulation, Budding, Gemmule formation, Fragmentation; Vegetative propagation in plants.

Q.01 Give definition of fertilization
Q.02 What is clone?
Q.03 What is ageing?
Q.04 Distinguish between asexual and sexual reproduction.
Q.05 What is vegetative propagation? Give two suitable examples.
Q.06 What is gootee? How it is prepared?
Q.07 What is a bisexual flower?
Q.08 Write common/local and scientific names of any plants having bisexual flowers found in the your locality.
Q.09 Differentiate between gametogenesis and embryogenesis.
Q.10 Give two examples of Hermaphrodite plants.
Q.12. Which of the following is monoecious and which one is dioecious organisms?
(a) Earthworm, (b) Chara, (c) Marchantia, (d) Cockroach.
Q.13 What is grafting?
Q.14 Which is better mode of reproduction: Sexual or asexual? why? 
Q.15 Why is vegetative reproduction also considered as a type of asexual reproduction?  Distinguish between asexual and sexual reproduction. 
Q.16 Define external fertilization. Mention its three disadvantages.
Q.17 Define (a) Juvenile phase, (b) Reproductive phase and (c) Senescence phase.
Q.18 Describe the post-fertilization changes in a flower.
Q.19 What is a bisexual flower ?
Q.20 Although potato tuber is an underground part, it is considered as stem, why?
Q.21. Is there a relationship between the size of an organism and its life span ? Give two examples in support of your answer.
Q.22. Why is it so that there is no natural death in single-celled organisms like Amoeba and bacteria ?
Q.23. Differentiate between (1) oestrus and menstrual cycle (ii) ovipary and vivipary. Give un example for each type.
Q.24. What would be the consequences in a developing embryo, if cell divisions are not followed by cell differentiation ?
Q.25. Mention two inherent characteristics of Amoeba and yeast that enable them to reproduce asexually.
Q.26. Why do we refer to offspring formed by asexual method of reproduction as clones ?
Q.27. Although potato tuber is an underground plant part, it is considered as a stem. Give two reasons
Q.28. Rearrange the following events of sexual reproduction in the sequence they occur inn flowering plant:
  Embryogenesis, Pollination, Fertilization, Embryogenesis.
Q.29. Which of the followings are monoecious and dioecious organisms.
(a) Earthworm 
(b) Chara 
(e) Marchantia 
(d) Cockroach 
Q.30. Match the organisms given in column 'A' with the vegetative propagule given in column 'B'.
Q.31. What do the following parts of a flower develop into after fertilization ?.
(a) Ovary (b) Ovules 
Q.32. In haploid organisms that undergo sexual reproduction, name the stage in the life cycle when meiosis occurs. Give reasons for your answer.
Q.33. With which type of reproduction do we associate reason for it.
Q.34. Fertilization is not an obligatory event for fruit production in certain plants'. Explain the statement.
Q.35 Differentiate between gametogenesis and embryogenesis.
Q.36. Differentiate between a Zoospore and Zygote.
Q.37 What is reproduction? 
Q..38 Write the characteristics of reproduction.
Q.39 Write three advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction.
Q.40 Give the name of an organism in which asexual reproduction occurs through canidia.
Q.41. Give the name of an organism in which transverse binary fission occurs.
Q.42. Write the advantages and disadvantages of vegetative propagation.
Q.43. Explain artificial methods of vegetative propagation in plants.

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