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NCERT MP BOARD Class 12th Chemistry Chapter 1 Solid State Book and PDF Solution

Class 12th Chemistry
Chapter 1
Solid State

Solid State  (Topic In this Chapter)  Solution Available in PDF 
1.1 General Characteristics of Solid State 
1.2 Amorphous and Crystalline Solids
1.3 Classification of Crystalline Solids
1.4 Crystal Lattices and Unit Cells
1.5 Number of Atoms in a Unit Cell 
1.6 Close Packed Structures 
1.7 Packing Efficiency
1.8 Calculations Involving Unit Cell Dimensions
1.9 Imperfections in Solids 
1.10 Electrical Properties 
1.11 Magnetic Properties

Q. Answer in one word/sentence:
01. Give two examples of metallic crystal.
02. Give two examples of covalent crystal.
03. Give two examples of ionic crystal.
04. What is the co-ordination number  in ?
05. What type crystal in SiC?
06. What is the value of co-ordination number of hexagonal close packing structure?
07. Write the formula of radius ratio.
08. What is the type of structure of NaCl crystal?
09. Give an example of body centred cubic cell.
10. Give an example of compound which has both Schottky and Frenkel type of defect.
11. Give an example of amorphous or non-crystalline solid.
12. Writ Bragg equation.
13. What is effect on the density of a substance or crystal due to Schottky defect?
14. State the co-ordination number of CsCl and NaCl.
15. Write the formulae of two superconductors substance.
16. Give and example of Frenkel defect.
17. Give an example of superconductor.
18 Radius ratio of tetrahedral void is

Choose the Correct Answer
1. Coordination number of Cs in CsCl is:
(a) 8 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 12
2. Example of hexagonal crystal is:
(a) Diamond (b) Graphite (c) Salt (d) water
3. Wax is an example of which type of following crystal:
(a) Ionic (b) Covalent (c) Metallic (d) Molecular
4. The number of atoms present in BCC unit cell:
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
5. The radius ratio of tetrahedral void is:
(a) 0.155 (b) 0.414 (c) 0.732 (d) 0.225

6. If an electron is present in a crystal lattice in place of an anion, the defect is called:
(a) Frenkel (b) Schottky (c) Interstitial (d) f-center
1. Write the radius ratio of tetrahedral void.
2. What is the effect of temperature on electric current of metallic conductor?
3. What is coordination number?
4. What is unit cell?
5. What is the effect of Schottky defect on density?
6. What is doping? Write its application.
7. Write the coordination number of tetrahedral void. With example.
8. Name a salt that can be added to AgCl so as to produce cation vacancies.
9.. What is the effect of pressure on NaCl type crystal ?
10. Mention one property which is caused due to presence of F-centre in a solid.
11. What makes a glass different from a solid such as quartz ? Under what conditions could quartz be converted into glass ?
12. Give an example of compound which has both Schottky and Frenkel type of defect.
13. Why are solids rigid ?
14. Why is glass considered a super cooled liquid ?
15. Ionic solids conduct electricity in molten state but not in solid state. Explain.
16.. Name the parameters at characterise a unit cell.
17. Explain, how much portion of an atom located at (i) corner and (ii) body centre of a cubic unit cell is part of its neighboring unit cell ?
18. Write the formula of density of unit cell.
Various types of crystalline solid their properties
Difference Between Crystalline and Amorphous Solid

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