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NCERT MP BOARD Class 12th Physics Chapter 2 Electrostatic Potential and capacitance Book and PDF Solution

 Class 12th Physics Chapter 2 
Electrostatic Potential and capacitance

Q.1 Define equipotential surface. Write its properties. (NCERT) (MPBSE Question Bank 2020-21)
Q.2 Give reasons: (NCERT) (MPBSE Question Bank 2020-21)
Q.3 Derive an expression for electric potential due to a point charge.
Q.4 Derive an expression for electric potential due to an electric dipole in axial position.
Q.5 Prove that electric potential due to an electric dipole at any point in broad side on position is zero.
Find out the potential at the point due to a dipole on the neutral axis.
Obtain the potential at a point equidistant from both the charges of an electric diapole.
Q.6 Obtain a relation between electric field intensity and potential difference.
Prove the where symbols have their usual meanings.
Q.7. (a) How can you say that potential is the degree of electrification of a body?
(b) How can you relate the electric potential with hydrostatics ? '
Q.8. The potential of earth is taken to be zero, why ? What do you mean by positive and negative potential ?

CapacitanceQ. 1. What is a condenser (capacitor)? Write its S.I. Unit. Define its capacity and state the factors on which the capacity of capacitor depends?
Q.2 What is dielectric? Describe its type.
Q. 3. What do you mean by a capacitor ? Explain its principle.
Q.4 Derive an expression for the capacity of a spherical conductor.
Prove that capacity of an isolated spherical conductor is directly proportional to its radius.
Prove that the capacity of a spherical conductor is 4πε_0 to its radius.
Q.5 What capacitor? Derive an expression for parallel plate capacitor and write its dependence.
Q.6 Establish the formula for capacitance of parallel plate capacitor in presence of partially dielectric.
Derive and expression for the capacity of a parallel plate capacitor, when the medium between the plate is partially filled by a dielectric medium.
Q.7.Obtain an expression for equivalent capacitance of capacitors joined in series and parallel combination.
OR Three capacitors of capacitances C_1, C_2and C_3 are connected in series derive an expression for the equivalent capacitance.
Q.8 Obtain an expression for the resultant capacity of capacitors connected in parallel. Draw the required diagram.
Find out resultant capacity of three capacitors joined in parallel grouping.
Q.9.Prove that when two charged conductors are connected, there will be a loss of energy.
If two charge conductors are joined by a wire then due to distribution of charges there is always a loss of energy. Where does this energy go.
The capacities of two conductors are C_1 and C_2 , Q_1 and Q_2 charges given to them so that their potentials become V_1 and V_2 respectively. If they are connected by a wire then calculate the following;
(i) Common potential and (ii) Loss of energy
In redistribution of charges, is there a loss of energy? Deduce an expression to confirm the answer.
When two charged conductors are connected there would be loss of energy. Why? Prove it.
Q.10.Explain the construction and working of Van-De-Graff generator. Write its use.
Q.11.Derive an expression for spherical capacitor. On what factors the capacitance depends and how?
Q.12.Derive an expression for cylindrical capacitor.
Q.13.What do you mean by potential difference ? Write the dimensional formula.

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