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NCERT MP BOARD Class 12th Biology Chapter 2 Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants Book and PDF Solution

Class 12th Biology 
Chapter 2 
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants 

Topics in this chapter

Flower structure; Development of male and female gametophytes; Pollination types, agencies and examples; Outbreeding devices; Pollen-Pistil interaction; Double fertilization; Post fertilization nts-Development of endosperm and embryo, Development of seed and formation of fruit, Special modes-apomixis, parthenocarpy, polyembryony; Significance of seed dispersal and fruit formation.

Section “A” 
1.Choose the correct answer.
1 Fertilization is a process of :
(a) Fusion of male gamete with egg cell (b) Transfer of pollen grain
(c) Fusion of male gamete with polar cell (d) Formation of seed from ovule
2. Which of the following is female gametophyte in angiosperm:
(a) Megaspore mother cell (b) Ovule
(c) Embryo sac (d) Nucellus
3 : The word genia indicates the effect of pollen on:
(a) Somatic (b) root (c) flower (d) Endosperm
4. In a flower, diploid cell has 12 chromosomes, which one will contain 6 chromosomes:
(a) Cotyledons (b) Endosperm (c) synergids (d) leaves
5. After fertilization, seed coats are formed by:
(a) Integuments (b) Embryo sac (c) synergids (d) None
6. Perisperm is
(a) Secondary nucleus (b) Mixture
(c)Parthenocarpy (d) Parthenogenesis
7. When fruit is developed from ovary without fertilization, it is called:
(a) Parthenocarpy (b) Parthenogenesis
(c) Both (d) None
8. When embryo (sporophyte)v is developed without fusion of gamete is called :
(a) Apogamy (b) apospory (c) pollination (d) None
9. The male gametes are found in:
(a) Pollen grain (b) anther (c) Ovule (d) all of these
10. Chalaza is found in:
(a) Embryo sac (b) Ovule (c) Pollen tube (d) All these
11. Which type of pollination is found in Sunflower:
(a) Self (b) cross (c) both (d) None
12. Who discovered double fertilization triple combination:
(a) Nwaschin (b) Leuwenhock (c) Strasburger (d) Hofmeister

Fill in the blanks:
1. The main function of endosperm in seed is storage of ------ (food)
2. The pollination done by bird is called ------. (Ornithophily)
3. Apple is an example of ----- fruit. (false)
4. Ovule are found on --------------. (placenta)
5. -----type of anther are found in sunflower. (Syngenous)
6. Fruit is formed by ----- in plants. (ovary)
7. One cotyledon in maize is called ----- (Scutellum)
8. Four anthers are found in -----. (mustard)
9. Endothecium is thin in ------ seeds. (endospermic)
10. In ovule, ---- is attached with funicle. (nucellus)
11. Anther is male ---- in flower. (sex organ)
12. ---- type of pollination is found in Typha.
13. pollination in Salvia takes place by --------------. (insect)
14. The outer membrane of pollen grain is called ---. (exine)
15. The formation of fruit without seed is called ---. (parthenogenesis)

Answer in one word:
1. Write the names of four whorls of a flower.
2. Which word is used if a plant forms flower many times in its life?
3. Outer layer of seed is called----.
4. Write the name of a plant in which pollination is done by bat.
5. Which word is used if sepal and petal cannot be differentiated?
6. If pollination is done by bat, it is called ----------.
7. The formation of fruit without fertilization is called --------.
8. Which type of fruits are formed by parthenogenesis?
9. Give an example of dispersion through Parachute method.

Section “B”
Q.1 What is pollination?
Q.2 What is fertilization? Draw a labelled diagram showing the path of the pollen tube during fertilization.
Q.3 Write a short note on micropropagation.
Q.4 Distinguish between Monocot and Dicot Seeds.
Q.5 What is apomixis? What is it’s importance?
Q.6 Draw neat diagram of L.S. of a maize grain and label coleoptile, scutellum, pericarp and radicle in it.
Q.7 What are the advantages of cross-pollination
Q.8 What is self-incompatibility ? Why does self-pollination not lead to seed formation of self incompatible species?
Q.9 Why do you think the zygote is dormant for some time in a fertilized ovule ?
Q.10 If one can induce parthenocarpy through the application of growth substances, which fruit would you select to induce parthenocarpy and why?
Q.12. A dicotyledonous plant bears flowers, but never produces fruits and seeds. Explain.
Q.13 Embryo sacs of some apomictic species appear normal, but contain diploid cells. Suggest a suitable explanation for the condition.
Q.14 What is Parthenocarpy?
Q.15 How are pollen grains remain conserved for a long time?
Q.16 Why is apple called a false fruit? Which part(s) of the flower forms the fruit?
Q,17 What is Polyembryony?
Q.18. Give the name of the common function that cotyledons and nucellus perform.
Q.19. Are pollination and fertilisation necessary in apomixis?
Section “C”
Q.1 Write the differences between Self Pollination and Cross Pollination.
Q.2 Write the advantages of Self Pollination and Cross Pollination.
Q.3 Distinguish between wind pollinated and insect pollinated flowers.
Q.4 Differentiate between;
(a) Hypocotyl and epicotyl, (b) Colcoptile and Coleorhiza
(c) Integument and Testa, (d) Perisperm and Pericarp
Q.5 What is self-pollination? Give advantages and disadvantages of self pollination.
Q.6 Differentiate between;
(i) Embryo sac and Endosperm, (b) seed and ovule
Q.7 Differentiate between pollination and fertilisation.
Q.8 What is meant by emasculation? When and why does a plant breeder employ this technique?
Q.9 Describe structure of anther with labelled diagram.
Q.10 Differentiate between microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis. Which type of cell division occurs during these events? Name the structures formed at the end of these two events?
Q.1 With a neat, labelled diagram, describe the parts of a typical angiosperm ovule.
Q.2 Draw a labelled diagram of a typical flower.
Q.3 With neat diagram explain the 7-celled, 8-nucleate nature of the female gametophyte.
Q.4 What is triple fusion? Where and how does it take place? Name the nuclei involved in triple fusion.
Q.5 What is double fertilization?
Explain double fertilization in angiosperms.
Q.6 What is parthenogenesis? Write its importance.
Q.7 What is bagging technique ? How is it useful in plant breeding programme?
Q.8 Explain the role of tapetum in the formation of pollen grain wall.

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